After much waiting and speculating, Apple finally unveils the iPad to the world. Being in an Apple fanatic family, we have a few insider information on the iPad long before it launched. But visualizing can never compare to holding it in the hand.
We are waiting to have another new member to our Apple family of Macbooks, Macbook Pro, iPhones and iPods.
- Accessing iTunes anywhere without lugging my macbook, accessing application on the go.
- Oh my god, my paperless book shelf, it looks real.
- Reading email on a bigger screen than my iPhone.
- Viewing images on
digital photo frameiPad.
It will look kinda cute if I line up my iPhone next to the iPad, the dad and son.
Get notified when you can head to apple store to get yourself an iPad. I really can't wait to get my hand on it.
iPad, in style.
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